Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fortune Cookies

"An enjoyable vacation is awaiting you very soon."
That is exactly what my completly random, and in no way forseeable fortune cookie said, kinda creepy. I'm actually going to Disneyland in the upcoming month.
Could a fortune cookie actually be true!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Quote

When live gives you lemons, make apple juice, and laugh your heart out as everyone tries to figure out how you did it!

Besides for that Happy Birthday Grandma (since I'm iffy on posting) on the 12th!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Welcome to 2009! Hope you all have had a great New Year!
And my sister swears I'm going nuts but I'm I the only one who has any idea of what a solar wind is!? I seriously thought everyone knew, now I feel dorky for having to explain to family and friends.
Does anyone else out there know what a solar wind is?