Sunday, April 20, 2008

Been one of those weekends...

Kay I know some of you could agrue that the weekend offically starts on Saturday, but right now I'm gonna to agrue that it starts on Friday. Since so far my weekend has been the best and worst weekend ever!
First of all two early mornings in a row, really can take it out of ya. First one was the dress rehersal for my Orchestra Festival. Then in chemistry I found out that I did horrible on a test, and then sub. for chemistry started explaining a new idea, and it was Greek to me and everyone in the class. But in second period Ms. Sides the teacher had a meeting, and got a sub. (ususally they're completly wacky, like Sides), but no sub. turned up during the WHOLE period. And so no one had to take the test that was suppose to be on Friday. But World Civ. ruined it, by passing out the DBQ. Not that they're too hard. Then on Saturday I had my second early morning, making it two in a row, and this one I actually volutneered for! I was passing out water for the 2008 marathon. Which made us muscles that I probably am never going to ever use again. When you passed out cups you had to hold the cup at the bottom with your fingertips, and then hold your arm out away from you so the runners could run past and grab it out of your hand without slowing down. My arm killed, and also I got up at 3:30 A.M. for that?! But I did sneak two hours of sleep, by sleeping in the car during prepartions! Yes! My sister was annoyed at me for doing that, but hey she can be the goody-two-shoes if she wants, but I wanted to sleep! (I'm not a morning person.) When marathon started, we had to wait for about an hour for the runners to get to us, and then it was just a mass of people who all wanted water! Goodness, that was a mess. A controlled mess, but still a mess. Then all of sudden it was over, and we had a few hundred already poured water cups left over...what should we do with all that water? I thought pouring into the grass, or something productive (since we were in the middle of a park), but everyone else decided to have a water fight. Well...yeah, we've all have been in those... But after those two crazy days, I have nothing to do, so...I'm thinking banging my head on the wall might be a bit more entertaining than staring at the monitor!


Rukus Wiley said...

I promised you a joke?

Stacey said...

Yeah you did in your last post